Thursday, February 16, 2006

Tattoo the Chicks!! A contest.

Ok, so we all were talking the other night and decided that we need matching tattoos. Hey! Don't question this. It has already been decided. We brain-stormed. We contemplated. We seriously considered all sorts of options involving vikings, cats, pirate swords, skulls, cross bones, and cupcakes. Hell, we considered viking cats with eye patches eating cupcake skulls decorated with crossbones.

Long story short: We want some sorta Venus Fly Trap tattoo. And by "some sorta" we mean any sexy, well drawn, carnivorous plant that suits our fancy. This is a very open ended, creative contest. Here's a few images we like:

The rules:
(1) email us at if you wanna play. That's so we know you are at least considering actually drawing something.
(2) Draw us a kickass, way sexy, carnivorous plant suitable for inking on various parts of us, most likely the hip region. This will probably involve one color line work only. There will possibly be some stipple/shading.
(3) We love you forever.

The prizes:
1st- your drawing inked on 3 lovely DJ's
+pictorial evidence for your portfolio
+A couple CD's of some favorites
Not 1st-A couple CD's of some favorites

We'll post any and all submissions on the blog with a link you/your webpage as desired.